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Danielle Park

Danielle Park is a senior at Paramus High School. Danielle is the national winner of the Award for Aspirations in Computing (NCWIT), New Jersey Jefferson’s Award Winner for Service Through STEM, and has been honored by the U.S. Senate and State Legislature. Her research experience involves being a cybersecurity research affiliate at NYU Tandon School of Engineering where she explores cryptographically secure election infrastructure, NYU data science research on the classification of benign or malicious websites (Winston Data Scholar), digital signal processing researcher at Fairleigh Dickinson’s Center for Cybersecurity, and an AI/ML researcher at Rutgers University (NJ Governor’s School of Engineering and Technology). She is also a published author of "Under One Condition: An Introduction to Computer Science Principles and Programming in Python," writing and graphically designing a gender-neutral and race-inclusive textbook for her charitable computer science company, Bergen CodeHers, and for teaching children at her local disability center. In school, Danielle is the President of her STEM Club, President of her Debate Club, Founder and Director of the Middle School Debate Program, Founder and Director of her school's Science and Engineering Fair, and Class Senator, Ambassador, and Secretary. Dani enjoys eating and baking miniature banana muffins.

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