Shubham Sharma
Shubham Sharma is a junior at Hillsborough High School. He has won medals on his school Science Olympiad team, where he has built planes, bridges, and bottle-parachutes. He now holds a leadership position as an Event Leader. Shubham interns at The Coder School as a coding instructor, teaches English to kids from rural villages in India through an organization called BJANA, and instructs swimming to kids at Pinnacle. He has gained research experience through his publication on nuclear power and aspires to learn Nuclear or Aerospace Engineering and to create sustainable air travel using nuclear power. Outside of STEM, Shubham has been performing for his marching band as a freshman and holds the leadership role of Field Equipment Manager. Shubham's interests range from playing music to modifying automobiles to teaching kids. From his garage, he runs a small business where he uses his designing and engineering skills to modify cars and bikes.